What technologies do you use for Mobile app development?
  • Cross-Platform

    • Flutter

  • iOS

    • SwiftUI, UIKit, Swift Programming Language

    • +Other Apple frameworks required for project

  • Android

    • JetPack Compose, XML Views, Kotlin Programming Language

    • +Other Android frameworks required for project

What technologies do you use for Web app development?
  • Front-End

    • Dart, SASS, VueJS

  • Backend

    • Go Language, NodeJS

  • Database

    • PostgreSQL

    • MongoDB

  • Serverless

    • Firebase

  • Deployment

    • AWS, Azure, GCP

  • AI & ML

    • Tensorflow

What technologies do you use for Desktop app development?
  • Cross-Platform

    • Flutter

  • MacOS

    • SwiftUI, AppKit, Swift Programming Language

    • +Other Apple frameworks required for project

  • Windows

    • WinUI, WPF

    • +Other Windows frameworks required for project

How much does it cost?
  • Our pricing varies depending on the project requirements, delivery timeline and dev hours. We offer a variety of options to fit your needs and budget. Please contact to get your personalised quote.

Frequently asked questions